Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Oil painting demo at Russian Academy in Florence

Hello, this November I had the positive surprise of noticing that the Russian Academy of Art of Florence shared some workshops on Friday evenings. It was convenient for me with my work timetable, so I was glad to take part of some of these worksops, and some of them are still to come.

The first...

...I want to share is about painting some face features in oil. This is the time for the most important and alluring feture: the eyes. This are usually the most important thing to paint in a portrait. It's worth to know the structure of the skull, the frontal bone, the temporal bone, the cheek bones, eye socket, the jaw, the maxilla and so on. The skin is quite thin in a lot of zones of the head, so the bony structure can help as building the image. When sketching the first layer of our work, we have to pay attention to the imaginay lines that crosses the eybrows, the eyes, the base of the nose, the mouth and the chin. Furthermore all this elements develope in a symmetrical way, and these axises obey the rules of perspective. So the central line is another essential guide. The eyes are like balls, and the skin wraps them; usually we can see the border of the inferior border of the skin which closes the eye.

Here are some notes I took with my tablet

The second part of the workshop (on another day) was about painting nose and mouth. Even in this case the simmetry is fundamental. The lines can also help understanding the developing of the planes, that are so important in a painting. In fact they determine the values of the image, given a specific lighting. The teacher showed us the structure of the nose and of the mouth, and how they can be thought in terms of geometric shapes. When she painted, she stressed the importance of alternating cold and warm colors as the planes of the shapes change direction. If we want to reproduce the natural effect we see, we have to pay attention to the temperature of the light, the main and the secondary, and to see how the ambient can influence it. I don't know if I have understood perfectly.. but I tried to reproduce digitally what she was doing with my tablet and Artrage (maybe playing up the cold vs warm effect..)

And I share two step of the demo of the teacher (hope I have the permission...)

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