Wednesday 11 February 2015

Alberi sul fiume Arno

La domenica pomeriggio di sole, febbraio: cosa meglio di un giro a godersi l'aria e i colori del tramonto? Ed infatti eccomi a giro con sketchbook e matite acquerellabili..

Sunday afternoon, what's better than going sketching ? ;) The air is already sweet with the sun... I collected watercolor pencils and normal color pencils and went out on the river Arno. 

The spot on the river, but with the sun already down

Monday 9 February 2015

Life Drawing at Florence

Life drawing session at Florence art Academy!! I prepared a toned sheet with a watercolour payne's gray basis.

And the final result:

The model posed for a couple of hours. I used graphite, sanguigne and sepia. I have to pay more attention to the lower part of the body, and foreshortening in general. But fun with some color compared with the use of sole graphite.