Tuesday 25 August 2015

Plen air sketch: Monte Albano

Here's a recent plen air sketch. Done in watercolor on spot in about 45 minutes. A child and his father stopped by me while I was sketching. The child was curious, and was also full of question which is a great thing I think... the photo has an uneven lighting because some sun rays were filtering through the branches of the pines. The dimension is about 20x15 cm on Fabriano watercolor paper.

Thursday 20 August 2015

Train sketches 4

I share some sketches I made on the train. What's new with these? I made them with Autodesk Sketchbook Pro ® for android, on my new tablet Samsung Galaxy Note 8 ®.

Monday 10 August 2015

From an advertisment

This is quite old drawing. This come from 2010, the time of the drawing course. I copied a picture from a well-known commercial.. I hope I'm not violating some rule here >_<
I used charcoal pencil for the rocks. Chalk sticks for sky and water (only few primary colors), sanguigne and sepia pencil for the red rocks. I think also some touches with few oil pastel, diluted with turpentine. I tried to reproduce the fog effect with white pastel, but only got a burnishing effect. I forgot the boy is in marker.

Monday 3 August 2015

Drawing Course 3

Hallo!! Welcome to the third lesson!! Today another good exercise I made in my first drawing course. You need a pencil, better a couple or three (I had HB, 2B, 6B at that time). Perhaps you can do it also with  mecanical pencils too. And you need time and patience: I think, it took me 6-8 hours to do this, maybe 10. Don't hurry!! Stick on't!!
Another time this is "life size", in the sense that the drawing is the same size of the model. We had copy af an engraving, but I don't remember the author. You could complicate the exercise making the drawing a scale of the model: double time bigger, or smaller, or even a third bigger. This is no fun for me but it forces you to become more acquainted with measuring, and it also sharpen your scaling ability. For me the best part is rendering, so I simplified the drawing part.
Still today I think that I should go back and revise the measuring technique, make some paintaking life drawing measuring everything.. but hardly ever I keep this aim..
I suggest not to go as you can; work middle tones, layer after layer. Usually it's better a light sign than a heavy one. Of course you can go darker then...