Tuesday 6 June 2017

Figure drawing @FAA 1/6/17

Here are two recent work, from life:

40 min sanguigna, (46 x 60 cm)
2 hours, pastels (46 x 60 cm)

Monday 27 February 2017

Sketches Oct 2015

Here we are!! I prepared this frame of sketches long ago, but I forgot to load on the web.

I hope you like!! I want to point out that on this smooth paper (the one you can find in cheap sketchbook in Tiger) the effect of copic maker is quite good and this three shades of warm grays can cover for  monochrome watercolor.

Monday 28 November 2016

Scupture class

Hello!! Today I want to share with you this great new: this year I also took classes in sculpting natural clay! That was fantastic, it's a fantastic experience, I advise everyone to try this field of expression. First lessons were about drawing from life, trying to keep proportion with the object. We made the final bas relief from life, but we also made a study in charcoal in advance.

Charcoal, 297 x 420 mm
And the final work, after months of drying..

Dry clay, about 300 x 400 mm

The installation was a little different because we coundn't keep the objects in the same position throug time.

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Still life

Here is a study I made recently during a collective drawing session. It is from life, in about three hours. I practiced measuring and chiaroscuro. I hope you enjoy. It's about 25x30 cm, pencil, charcoal pencil and white chalk on toned paper.

Monday 24 October 2016

Arnovecchio Workshop wih Sandro Sacchetti (second Part)

Here we are at the second meeting in Arnovecchio for the drawing course. The weather was cloudy and almost rainy that day, but anyway we were able to finish the lesson. We drew from model in wood of mallard, male and female. They were still, so I had more time to refine the work. I used watercolor on a 25x35 (ca) Fabriano paper, and pencils in  my sketchbook for the awkward perspective of the female (about 5x5 cm).

The sketch in pencil

Final painting
And the female one:

From my POV it had more sense the positition of the tail as in the first B&W sketch. but finally it made more sense to modify a bit what I was seeing. This is not good, but hard not for me to do when drawing forsehortened parts. Maybe a solution is to firmly close an eye, and think in terms of form!

Monday 26 September 2016

Arnovecchio Workshop wih Sandro Sacchetti (first Part)

Last Saturday I took part in a workshop held in a small natural area near my hause by the naturalistic artist Sandro Sacchetti. We didn't draw much from nature, the first part was about very general indication about drawing and the course was meant for very beginners. But anyway the weather was fine and I had pleasure sharing time, attention and passion with other people. These are the "products"

Pencil copy of a watercolour of Federico Gemma: two little hoot owl

Color pencil and watercolor pencil sketch of a little plum
Next week there will be the second part!

Friday 19 August 2016

Color study in Art Rage

Hello!! I want to share a little color study I made yesterday. These are useful exercises, at least I hope. Finally it took more than an hour to do this albeit I picked color too much.. but I hope that this can train my eye (and relax me a bit). The drawing is not much important as the right color picking, I admit it's a bit difficult for me you have to become familiar with the color system picker of Art Rage, and the luminescence of the display can be deceitful without experience. Anyway with practice it's more confortable than doing this kind of exercise in traditional medium, even if it would be more satisfying (and time consuming). I must confess that for now I have used only regular oil brush without caring about all the features and facets of the program.

Here you can find the original.

Friday 22 July 2016

Oil Pastel sketches

Hi folks!! Today I'm going to share some oil pastel sketches I made during the last months. They are all from the country near my home (that's new!!)

In the first one I also mixed some watercolors pencils:

Monday 4 July 2016

Figure Drawing at Florence Art Accademy

Hallo girls and guys!! Here are some drawings from the last months from the thursday free session of figure drawings at the Florence Art Academy.

3/3/2016 (couple of hours, charcoal on paper)

I'm quite satisfied with this. Maybe the head is slightly smaller then it was in reality. Also the left profile of the girls body could be a bit softer like the one of the arm. But I tried a bit too much to define form also to be sure that I understand them.

Monday 13 June 2016


Here they are some recent sketches. I think they are all from 2016.

This drawings are from the country near my home. The bird you can see in the second picture is a wild silent duck

Thursday 9 June 2016

Alternative world studies

Hello people!! I want to share this week something different. It's an old job I made for the entertainment illustration course. We had to develop some charcters and world features according to a narrative path. It was spring 2013.

I developed a couple of races, male and female, a couple of beasts and some sketches of the enviroment. I used pencil, pen and three copic marker for the tones.