Wednesday 25 November 2015

Sketching Sunday

Hi all!! I want to share some recent sketches I made during the last Sunday. It was a sunny day, a bit cold in respect to what we were got used to during this Novemeber, but I enjoyed a bit of sun in the neighbours of my house. Here it is a study of a bush (dog rose)

I used fineliner and coloured markers for this. It's about 15x15 cm.

And a house near the border of the park

I sketched the lines with an hard pencil (2H) and then I traced over with a fineliner. I finally coulored the tree with markers, leaving the dark branches done with fineliner. The sky is not very elaborate, but you can't cover large areas of paper in a very short time with markers. So only a hint for the color of the sky that day.

And the final piece:

This was done later in the afternoon, as the sun was fastly going down. But I was looking from my house, to some trees in the park, the sun was behind them, and so the yellow of the leaves was even brigther and contrasting with the rising shadows.

I am very happy with the markers. Even if they are not sophisticated, they are practical to use and don't buckle the sheet, like the watercolours. They are good for objects and color notes, but not very cushy for larger areas. They can be used in a pointillistic manner, but you need time to cover a page in such a way.

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