Wednesday 11 November 2015

Sketching nature in October

Here they are some recent sketches done on location. October has been warm and temperate, and also November seems to be the same. These are all from the surroundings of where I live:

A study of a tree, the way to render foliage with fineliner, and some zoom-in of the leaves and seeds (some sort of maple).

Some bumble-bees and other insects drawn in their activities. Also also a blooming snapdragon. There are a lot of flowers with this warm climate (I also took photos of a sunflower...)

And some little animals: some sort of beetle-bugs copulating, pigeons, a nutria, and a little gull.

It was quite fun, drawing this specific subjects is fun, even if they continually move (exept for  the caterpillar and the vegetables). I also tried to add some color with felt-tip markers. These are for kids, but I admit that they can be useful for livening up the sketch and also to take simplified and fast notes of the ciolors

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