Tuesday 17 November 2015

Life drawing at FAA 29/10/2015 and 05-12/11/2015

Hello!! During the last week, I succedded in attending free figure drawing session at the Florence Academy of art. In this post I want to round up the last three drawings I made. And the pictures chronologically:

The height of the figure is about 20 cm. I'm quite ok with the right side, where the light gives up to the shadow. As usual, I had to struggle a lot with lower limb, and  no time to study the belly in depth.

Here it is the second piece

Yes I know...the feet.. Anyway it was exciting since in this piece I used three copic markers (warm gray 1, 3 and 5) for the chiaroscuro. It' almost like a watercolor monochrome but even less forgiven. The overall effect is good, but you can't go too deep with details (height og the drawing isabout 30 cm). Respect to the model my head is too small,

And the third drawing, first the work in progress:

and the final work

Some usual problem with lower limbs, pehaps the feet are smaller than in the model. This time I was more careful, I measured with more accuracy and I slowed down. The countour is more precise. I didn't rush to finish the piece, I focused on the parts that were well light and in tension, trying to identify the anatomy (like in the lastissimus dorsi, infraspinatur, trapezius, serratus, teres major, triceps, deltoid, lat abs ..) and to improve human body knowledge.

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