Friday 13 November 2015

Drawing Course 6

Here it is another post about my old drawing course. The exercise is basically the same. We had to make a copy (sorry, can't remember the author), but this time we inked it with fineliner (about 0.1, 0.4, 0.9 diameter). The original is a beautiful etching of a villa:

And my copy after some hours of work (about six or seven)

I first made a guide with a hard pencil and then added tone by hatching. The result is ok, especially in trees and natural objects. Maybe the house could have been rendered in a better way. In the master piece the light on the building is rendered with a lot of thin lines, but this solution didn't seem to work for me... My (straight) lines aren't so regular and dense, and maybe also the tip of the pen is not right for copying this kind of rendering. I kept the values of the building higher than the original. But I could have studied a way of rendering them in a more accurate and dark way

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